• Abundance

    Stepping outside on a lovely spring morning, the artist was amazed by the abundance surrounding her. This treasure keeper art box is what she created based on that experience. The darks and lights, the colors and forms, awakened a renewed sense of gratitude within her for all of what was within her sight, and an appreciation once again, for the Love of God which is poured out on us by His Grace daily. Let us not take these gifts for granted. Look around and SEE!
  • Arise

    She lifts up her countenance in hope, surrounded by loveliness and song, and peers out of her abode. The artist wrote a poem that is found on the back of this box. "Arise! Let winged hope take flight. That which darkness meant for harm Has fled into the night. Rejoicing comes in the morning, yes, New life is in The Light. The knowledge gained is Wisdom's charm, New Spirit's wings adorning. (Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.)
  • This serene woman with an ornament of grace on her head, sits quietly surveying the world amidst lovely flowers. It is a cool, refreshing scene resembling a garden with a gate to look through. Created with multiple layers and depths, it delights the eye with its beauty. Vintage brass adds to the sense of former days. The scriptural reference for this piece is found in Proverbs 4.5-9 : "Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget or turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and in all your getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she will promote you; she will bring you honor when you embrace her. She will place on your head an ornament of grace; a crown of glory she will deliver to you."
  • This treasure keeper art box is especially meaningful as one thinks of God's love that is as refreshing as the spring is after a dreary long winter. Flowers and winged creatures delight the senses. It measures 9" x 5.25" x 5".
  • A New Song

    Life brings many beautiful times and times of deep hurt and troubles. By God's grace we endure them and even thrive again. After a stormy season in 2023, the artist found her voice again inspiring her fresh artwork entitled A New Song. The prose written inside was actually rediscovered in some notes written back in 2018. They seemed quite appropriate for this season of her life. The words may help someone else along the journey. A New Song is a large box measuring 10" x 6.75" x 4".
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