LoriJusino_LogoBlue_New-Colors-34px  Lori Jusino

Mixed Media Sculptural Assemblage & Jewelry

Asheville became a new home choice in 2013 after departing life in New York’s Hudson River Valley and a ten-year sojourn in the Caribbean. The natural beauty and art culture of this area impressed us enough to begin a new season in our lives here and my studio name choice came from this verse:

“but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…” Eph. 5:18b-20

Creating has been an integral part of my being that has taken various forms throughout the years; from decoupage, collage, shell art works in boxes and sailors valentine jewelry, to my current love of mixed media assemblage and neckpieces which range from Inspirational to Victorian/steampunk themes. I call them songs that arise from within.  Each piece has significance beyond the immediately visible. The knowledge gained from each artistic discipline has proved to be a stepping-stone to the next and has culminated in what I create today.

For a PDF of my CV, Click Here

Please note: I am currently changing out my payment method for checking out on this site. If you are interested in a piece, please email at Lori@spiritsongsartstudio.com

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